Interpersonal Communication


Colored Brain Communication

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Why do we see differently? Uncover your genetic make-up and discover your natural strength for success.

P. Prema

Giving Better Feedback@ Work

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When we make a conscious choice to give regular feedback, we are demonstrating that we are committed to others' personal development, and we are taking steps to create a productive and harmonious workplace.

Based on personal and observed experiences, this session is to share with you how we could give better feedback at the workplace so that all of us enjoy improved work relationships and a happier work environment.


Effective Communication Using NLP

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Why do some people end up with arguments when they communicate? Why do the others have good communication skills, and able to get what they want easily? What skills do they have? This 1-hour sharing is especially for people who want to learn how to use NLP techniques in their communication, active listening, giving and receiving criticism, dealing with different personality types to build rapport, trust and influence.


How To Build Relationships & Influence People

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After this unexpected event, organizations have to be proactive to re-look at their operation in different perspectives of managing their supply chain business. It is no longer able to just follow the current ways of doing the various tasks without considering the potential risks and opportunities factor. Resilience, innovative, adaptability strategies are avoidable and necessary. Here, we shall share some strategies that helps in solving repeated problems.

Amy Wan

Non Violent Communication

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NVC Framework for communicating your needs through guided conversations

Ahmad Fakhri

Persuade with Power

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What makes your presentation or speech a persuasive one? What key components you must have to ensure that the audience will accept your ideas or advocacy? Understanding this subject can make a difference to your success in future.


Connecting With Colours

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Knowing YOUR Personality, and THEIRS, to Connect & Serve.

Mohd Asri

Cara Mudah Membina Kedekatan Sosial

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"Tak KENAL Maka Tak Cinta". Cinta atau kasih sayang yang terlahir akan mewujudkan rasa dan kerjasama yang harmoni. Namun masih ramai di kalangan kita kecundang ketika cuba untuk KENAL. Webinar ini akan memperkenalkan Teknik S.A.L.I.N.A dalam membina Instant Rapport.


The 5 LAW

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Be more aware of how to better appreciate each other in the workplace and embark on a more meaningful relationship with your colleagues/friends.

Elaine Chen

Enriched Conversations

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Communications is not only about talking but if you speak effectively, things can be turned around e.g. you can close deals, build up your self-confidence, and connect with people

Tengku Sheila

Speech Matters: Impact to the Audience

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A sharing session on how to prepare impactful speech to a selected audience with confidence.

Yazman Hafith Ismail

The Evolution of Communication

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Take a fascinating journey over thousands of years of human communication and see how it has constantly evolved until the 21st Century. The question now is - what's next?