Personal Finance


Your Financial Footsteps

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Navigating your way to a better financial future - & making your money work for you.


What's Your Number?

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Taking you on a journey in financial planning , where you will understand the key elements of how to manage your financial risk.


Islamic Estate Planning - A Brief Introduction

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A brief introduction on Faraid Law, Wasiat, Hibah and Harta Sepencarian.


Costly Mistakes Women Make

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Not getting involved in the financial decisions, are costly blunders in women’s life. Avoid it before disaster strike.

Z. Abidin

Buying Property in Challenging Times for Newbies

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Are you ready to buy? What you have to do before making the decision to buy property; Where, How and What to buy; The pros & cons of buying from developers, subsales and auctions.

Mohd Mohtar

FAA Individual Accreditation: Introduction to Competency Standard and Preparation of the Portfolio

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Introduction to the competency standard and guidance for the preparation of the portfolio for the candidate(s).

Patrick Fong

YOU! Bhd

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Have you ever wondered why you are finding it hard to manage your finances? That's because you are thinking like am individual when you should really be thinking like a BHD! Learn how to properly manage your finances and quite possibly save your life, your career and unlock financial capabilities you never knew you had!