
The first six decades of the twentieth century featured many revolutionizing poems. Here are some of the poems from each decade.

1900 - 1910

“The Darkling Thrush” by Thomas Hardy

Published: December 29, 1900

This poem directly reflects the pessimism that was in the air in the late Victorian Era. The poem starts out dark as Hardy watches the sun set on on century and rise on another. The first half of the poem is very dreary and creates dark imagery by personifying the frost of winter as a grey host. The second half of the poem however ads hope when the thrush begins to sing throgh all its weakness and the dark consuming winter. At the end of the poem Hardy is left anxious with a hope for the future.

I chose this poem because it represents what it is like to try and go through bad times. When everything seems at its worst there is still a small piece of hope that can be found. There will always be times of change when the unknown seems dark , but the key is to find hope and use it.

1911 - 1920

"Suicide in the Trenches" by Siegfried Sassoon

Published : February 23, 1918

This poem is a very serious and tragic topic. The poem is written in plain language and regular rhythm however the meaning behind it is anything but simple. Sassoon describes the suicide of a soldier during the war and a warning to those who praise war. He is saying that war is not what some people make it out to be.

I chose this poem because it is short and simple to read but so intense and powerful at the same time. I feel as if so much pain and suffering is passed on in just a few words. However , those words seem to be enough.

1921 - 1930

"The Waste Land" by T.S Eliot

Published : October 1922

This poem is considered to be one of the most important poems of the 20th century. Eliot wrote this long poem using difficult language and references. This was one of the ways he was portraying the meaning of the poem. The poem explains the decline or Western culture and how people are becoming less and less educated and the beauty that the culture has. He uses different speakers and scenes to illustrate this topic and symbolize it.

I chose this poem because I think it is very precise. The world did begin to decline and be less interested in knowledge and education. This leads to a population that is unaware of the many things that are important. Now days so many things can be done with technology that people dont even know how to do it themselves.

1931 - 1940

" Ash Wednesday" by T.S Eliot

Published : 1930

The poem focuses deeply on Christian conversion and religion. T.S Eliot's own conversion to Anglo- Catholic religion is told through symbolism. This poem is one of his later long poems and is divided into 4 sections. The poem brings up the point of humans not being able to believe due to there own extensive intellect. Eliot also uses a lot of references from Dante's Purgatory to connect with conversion and cleansing.

I chose this poem because the conversion represents a clean start. I am worked toward one of those so i believe that it is meaningful and something that any one can attempt to do. Trying to connect more with yourself and be grounded is something that is beneficial.


" The Dry Salvages" by T.S Eliot

Published: 1941 ( Part of the Four Quartets)

This poem is the third poem in T.S Eliot's Four Quartets. Like the other three poems in the Quartets this poem focuses on life and death. Eliot explores the idea of humanity and how technology and science have created a loss between human bonding. He uses the ocean as a comparison to describe that humanity can never be mastered just like the ocean can not be crossed and conquered.

I chose this poem because it emphasis's the importance of not forgetting the human connection to the past. It is powerful and helps one see how one must use there humanity to experience life and the moment in front of them.

1951 - 1960

"The Waking" by Theodore Roethke

Published : 1953

The title of this poem gives good insight into its meaning. Roethke explores the various stage of consciousness and the waking to awareness. This poem makes the reader analyze what they are and what there place is. Knowledge is not the only driving force in life and there is more to be learned from oneself. Most of the poem is written from the authors mind and his internal self.

I chose this poem because I believe that it is eye opening and makes you really think about the world and your role in it. We wake to different stages of consciousness sometimes without knowing it. When you really start to think about it , you are able to figure out many new things about yourself.



"The Waking." En.wikipedia.org. N. p., 2018. Web. 22 May 2018.

"The Waking By Theodore Roethke." Poetry Foundation. N. p., 2018. Web. 22 May 2018.

"“Ash Wednesday” By T.S. Eliot." THE POETRY PLACE. N. p., 2017. Web. 22 May 2018.

"The Waste Land." The Waste Land. N. p., 2005. Web. 22 May 2018.

" Suicide In The Trenches - Poem By S. Sassoon ." Greatwar.nl. N. p., 2018. Web. 22 May 2018.

"The Darkling Thrush By Thomas Hardy." Poetry Foundation. N. p., 2018. Web. 22 May 2018.