Robert Louis Stevenson

Robert Louis Stevenson was born in 1850 Edinburgh Scotland. He attended Edinburgh University to study the family business of light house engineering. However, he had no interest in it and so switched to studying law. Stevenson was an adventurer and travel. He began to travel in the summer of his college years to France where he was surrounded by writers and artists. After spending time on his travels he decided he wanted to peruse the career of being a writer . He graduated from his law school education in 1875 , but never practiced. Stevenson was one of the most influential science fiction writers of the time. His most famous literary works where Treasure Island, Kidnapped, and Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. these novels where wildly popular and very influential to the genre of science fiction. However, due to Stevenson's poor health he wrote some of his greatest work while he was bedridden. He passed away in 1894, in Samoa.

Sources: Stevenson, Robert. "Robert Louis Stevenson." Biography. N. p., 2018. Web. 21 May 2018.