Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler was born in 1889, Austria. He rose to power by becoming Chancellor of Germany and establishing the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi Party) . His speeches where one of his most compelling traits and he used them to ignite nationalism in Germany. Economic struggles and anger of having Germany held responsible for World War I allowed Hitler to gain a foothold in power by promising the citizens of Germany that his strong leadership was the only way to fix things. In 1933 he gained a huge amount of popularity and became the Chancellor , eliminating all other parties except for his own (Nazi Party). In 1934 Fuhrer , which is leader in German. Hitler and the Nazi Party. Hitler used propaganda to spread fascism and Antisemitism. Hitler believed in a superior race called the Aryans , which led to the mass murder of over 6 million Jewish people. This event was called the Holocaust and occurred during World War II through Hitlers policies. He targeted gypsies and Eastern Europeans as well , because they did not fit into the superior Aryan race. After World War II and the end of the Nazi party Hitler committed suicide in 1945.