Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill born in 1874 into a aristocrat family and died in 1965. He was a military officer, writer, and politician. He became Prime Minister of Britain ( from 1940 to 1945) after Germany broke its agreement with Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain . Chamberlain had given Hitler a piece of Czechoslovakia in hopes of maintaining the peace, but Germany broke the agreement. Churchill was a great orator who gave speeches that inspired people and didn't let them lose hope. When Churchill became the Prime Minister in 1940, he worked with the United States and the Soviet Union to defeat the Axis powers and stop Hitler. After World War II he worked to maintain peace. He was later re-elected to be Prime Minister in 1951 and remained Prime Minister until 1955. During that time he helped Britain by developing domestic reforms .


Churchill, Winston. "Winston Churchill." Biography. N. p., 2018. Web. 21 May 2018.