
Curious about applying for an apprenticeship with us? Below are the answers to some of the questions we receive about the qualifications. Or get in touch with us and we'll arrange to answer any more that you can think of!


What apprenticeships do you offer?

Above are all of the qualifications that we offer. More coming soon!

What's the process of enrolling on to an apprenticeship?

We try to make the whole apprenticeship process from Enrolment to End Point Assessment to be as simple and straight forward as possible.  Here are the four steps to starting...

What if I don't have English and Maths GCSE (grade C or above 4/5 or above)?

No problem - we’ll help you complete the relevant Functional Skills so you can achieve those too! Click above on the icons for Functional English and Maths for more information.

What if I achieved English and Maths GCSE equivalencies in another country?

English and Maths GCSE equivalencies are accepted with a Statement of Comparability from UK NARIC (National Academic Recognition Information Centre). Click here for more information. 

Can I be part-time or term-time only and still apply?

Yes, absolutely - we will tweak the programme according to your contract and ensure we find ways for you to feel part of the wider cohort. Peer support is just as important as the support you will receive from your tutor and your line manager.

What if something happens whilst I’m on the course and it affects me finishing within the advised timeframe?

Life happens and we understand that. We’ll work with you to find a solution; that could be a break in learning or we just might need to adapt what you can use as evidence. We’ll have your back.

Can I do another funded qualification at the same time?

You can undertake Functional Skills Maths and English whilst completing an apprenticeship but you cannot take another funded course at the same time.

Click here to get in touch with us with any more questions