
Supporting schools to support their staff to achieve their aspirations 

At TEFLA we aim is to support our schools and other schools and Trusts to maximise their Apprenticeship Levy and support all schools-based staff to develop in their current role or achieve their career aspirations. 

Apprenticeships are a great way for schools to use the levy that they pay towards to improve the skills base of their existing employees in a cost-effective way. Employers who pay the levy can use funds to pay for training and assessment costs for apprentices only - so let us help you use it!

Who we are

The Elliot Foundation Learning Alliance (TEFLA) has been the Learning and Development arm of The Elliot Foundation Academy Trust (TEFAT) since 2016. We have focused on building the capability and capacity of all of our staff across TEFAT at all levels as well as offering numerous joint learning opportunities to other schools and MATs whenever possible. 

We believe that openness and transparency are crucial to learning from each other. Collaboration, curiosity and community are the values at the heart of what we do and we want to work in true partnerships with other schools and Trusts to develop context-based learning that supports the ambitions of the education workforce and, ultimately, improves children’s lives.

How we can help you? 

Schools or 'Employer' 

We can help you use the apprenticeship levy to create clear career paths for your teaching and non-teaching staff.

Staff or 'Apprentice' 

We can help you achieve a recognised qualification in your current or aspirational role. 


Please get in touch with our Head of Apprenticeships, Fiona Blackwood, with any questions.