Teaching & Learning 

The pleasure arising from thinking and learning
will make us think and learn all the more. 


At Eunoia Junior College, Teaching & Learning practices are anchored on the principles of Educational Neuroscience. Emphasis is placed on the different stages of learning. Lectures and classroom tutorials are designed to leverage on these stages to optimise student learning. All Eunoians are briefed on Ed-Neuroscience tips for learning, at different junctures of their 2-year educational journey as well.

More Information

For more information on T&L philosophy in college, please click here

FAQs from Parents

How does Home-based Learning (HBL) look like in EJC?

For 2024, the college operates on a 10-day cycle timetable. HBL happens on EVEN week Tuesdays. During the HBL day, students will work on tasks assigned by various subjects asynchronously. Such tasks will be checked and followed up on by subject tutors throughout the term. 

How are we supposed to support our children for e-learning during Home-Based Learning (HBL)? Do we have to take leave to monitor their progress?

No, parents are not expected to take leave to monitor their children's learning during the designated HBL days. Please view the following Parent Kit developed by MOE for ideas on how to support your child's learning during HBL. 

Resource Kit - Experiencing Blended Learning (BL) with Our Children.pdf

Will there will be laptops loaned out for students during HBL?

Students may loan out laptops from the college to support learning during the HBL days.

Students who have other issues such as connectivity and/or conduciveness of learning environment at home may also approach their CTs to discuss how they can be better supported during the HBL days. 

Will students be taught on the use of generative AI tools in school?

Yes. The college will be teaching your child how to use generative AI efficiently and responsibly across various subjects. 

Please refer to the guide developed by our colleagues from Educational Technology Division for Parents on Generative Artificial Intelligence. 

Do drop us an email to eunoiajc@moe.edu.sg if you have any concerns.

A Parent's Guide to Generative AI Tools for Learning.pdf

What is the promotion criteria for the JC1 cohort, and criteria to offer H3 at JC2?

Please refer to the section on JC1 Academic Journey for more details.

Is it advisable for students to drop their H2 subject to the H1 equivalent? When can they do so?

The minimum requirement for entry to local universities is to offer 3 H2+ 1 H1 content subjects at the A-levels. Offering 4 H2 subjects allows students to explore their H2 subjects at greater depth and higher rigour.  There is no difference in rank point calculations for students offering 3 H2 & 1 H1 and those offering 4 H2 subjects for local university course admissions. 

JC1 students will be able to optimise their subject combinations (i.e. taking up a H3 subject or dropping an H2 subject to the H1 equivalent) during the Subject COmbination Re-optimisation Exercise (SCORE) window at the end of their JC1 year. 

The decision-making process for dropping a H2 subject to its H1 equivalent should be based on the premise of student understanding of its implications on:

(I) Their university course choices and the pre-requisites.

(II) Strengths and weaknesses across subjects & interest.

(III)  Overall workload management. 

This will involve conversations between the student, parents and subject tutors. 

More information on the SCORE window will be shared with Eunoians in Term 3.

What support is provided to students who underperform? 

The college has a structured academic support programme known as the Academic Support for Academic Progress (ASAP). This programme is catered to identified students who require more support in specific subjects. The ASAP programme would commence in the middle of Term 2 of JC1, with students selected based on their performance in class work and weighted assessments. Subjects are scheduled for ASAP sessions through the week, and identified students are to attend the programme. During each session, teachers would focus on foundation reinforcement, content revision as well as practices to enable students to see progress. 

The ASAP programme will also continue to support students at JC2, from Term 1 onwards. 

Can teachers provide individual consultations if my child needs it?

The college operates on a Lecture-Tutorial-Consultation model. 

Hence, on top of the lectures and tutorial sessions on the timetable, students are encouraged to proactively seek consultations with their subject tutors to clarify learning gaps. The white spaces on their timetables are intended for this purpose. 

What does the school recommend in terms of additional external material required to prepare for JC?

At the JC level, students no longer have textbooks; but rather, the teachers curate resources and provide the students with the content through Lecture Notes. These resources provided by the college would suffice as a baseline for student learning; on top of lectures and tutorials. Some subjects (such as General Paper, Geography, History, Economics) require students to read extensively to glean real-world perspectives and examples. The subject tutors would guide the students in this area.

Parents may also wish to note that the college has subscribed to a wealth of online resources (such as the Economist, National Geographic, and online academic journal publications) to support your child's learning beyond the college teaching resources. Students will be able to log in to these online resources using their EJC email accounts.