Parent Teacher Meet

The Parent Teacher Meet (PTM) provides a platform for the civics tutors (CTs) to converse with parents on the child's progress. 

PTM Periods

JC1 Year


(Fri 1 Mar 2024)

Parent Engagement Session (PES)

This is a mass session for JC1 parents to be inducted into the Eunoia Community. Through this meeting, we hope to establish stronger partnerships with parents to help in the holistic development of Eunoians. 

Below are the slides presented during the JC1 Parent Engagement Session on 1 Mar 2024. 



(Fri, 30 Jul 2024)

Parent Teacher Meet (PTM)

This session is prioritised for a selected groups of JC1 students identified by:

Note that due to the COVID-19 situation, ePTM was held since 2020.

JC2 Year


Parent Teacher Meet (PTM)

This session is prioritised for a selected groups of JC2 students identified by:

Note that due to the COVID-19 situation, ePTM was held since 2020.

Student-Led Conference

At EJC, the PTM takes the form of a Student-Led Conference where the Eunoian will lead this conference and reflect on his/her progress. 

This will:

Role of Student

Role of Civics Tutor(s) 

Role of Parent(s) / Guardian 

e-Parent Teacher Meet

Communication & Video Conference (e-PTM)

Nuggets for Effective e-Communication (for Parents).pdf

Tips for Effective e-Communication
(for Parents)

Setting-up of e-Conference Meeting

Guide to Video Conferencing with Teachers Using Zoom for HBL (MOE ETD - Version 20March2020) (1).pdf

Accessing Zoom Platform

A guide to downloading Zoom and accessing a Zoom Meeting