Co-Curricular Activities (CCA)

I make most of my friends through extra-curricular activities.

Kiernan Shipka

Co-Curricular Activities are an integral part of education in EJC.  To achieve the objectives of CCA, we endeavour to:

To find out more about the CCAs offered in EJC, please refer to this link.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it compulsory for each student to have a CCA?

At Eunoia, we believe that all students should seek all-round excellence while in school and CCA goes hand in hand with academic excellence.

We require all students to have a CCA as CCAs give them a diverse experience that goes beyond academic grades. This offers them opportunities to balance their responsibilities while gaining different skillsets that CCAs offer. This provides our students with a holistic education and offers them a richer college experience. Participation in college-based CCAs allows for character development, building of meaningful relationships with peers in college, and the engendering of a sense of rootedness to the college.

Your child's CCA can be a School-Based CCA, a National Project of Excellence like SNYO/SNYCO, Uniformed Groups or National Representation with an NSA.

Is my child allowed to have more than 1 CCA?

We believe that many of our students have the capacity and energy to be stretched as they are talented in many domains. Hence, we do allow for Dual CCAs in Eunoia

Most of our Student Councillors, as well as some students who represent the country in their respective sports hold on to 2 CCAs.

In seeking approval to take up an additional CCA, students will need to craft proposals on how they will cope with the additional activities and commit to these plans. Students will be engaged and advised to drop a CCA should they encounter problems with coping academically or if  they fall short of other expectations. 

Are all sports CCAs based on merit? Are there recreational sports CCAs that students can join?

Students, experienced or otherwise, who are keen to join a Sports CCA are required to go through the trials. During the trials, they will be selected based on their aptitude and attitude. 

Currently, we offer Taekwondo as a recreational sport but there is also a competitive element to it as our students train to compete at the National School Games. As such, discipline, attitude and aptitude lay key roles in our selection criteria for students.

Can my child appeal if he/she was not allocated to the CCA of his/her choice?

Students are given 6 choices each and we endeavour to allocate every student to a CCA that features in their choices. As there are quotas set based on the resources available, not every student will be offered their first choice.

Students can appeal if they do not get into a CCA that features in their top choices and we will work with them to ensure meaningful engagement in the CCA they are allocated to.

Are 'CCA points/grades' awarded at JC? Is it part of the promotion criteria to JC2?

We maintain the belief that CCA participation provides our students with a holistic education and gives them an avenue to explore areas other than that of academic pursuit. As such, such motivations are more intrinsic than extrinsic. 

At the JC level, CCA grades are not awarded as they are not tied to the next level of progression. That said, participation in activities and attendance are recorded in the CCA testimonial, and can be featured in the School Graduation Testimonial your child will receive together with the A-Level Results. 

The promotion criteria to JC2 comprises both academic and conduct requirements. A poor attendance in CCA sessions could affect the students' conduct grade.

Does the type of CCA my child is in contribute to his/her entry to University?

Being involved in a CCA will stand students in good stead as the values and experiences gained contribute to their all-round development. Achievements will be noted in their CCA records as well as their testimonials.

As aptitude and non-academic considerations feature in the acceptance criteria for some university courses, richer CCA experiences and contributions would be beneficial for our students. 

How frequent are the activities and duration of CCAs?

Activities can range from once to three times a week, depending on your child's CCA, as well as competition seasons such as the National School Games or Singapore Youth Festival.

Why do CCAs end late in the evenings?

Different CCAs have dedicated timings for their sessions. Many CCAs are held on Wednesday/Friday afternoons as they are generally shorter academic days. 

For certain CCAs, training timings are dictated by restricted availability of training facilities and instructors. In such cases, CCAs sessions tend not to stretch beyond 7:30pm as we want students to return home to rest. 

I am concerned about time spent at CCA amidst a heavy academic workload. How does the college ensure a good balance of commitments?

Time management is essential in a Junior College and the college operates on a 'many helping hands' approach to ensure that our students are coping. Our Deans, Civics Tutors and CCA teachers all work hand in hand with our students and we initiate conversations with students who experience troubles with coping. The personal Life Coaches will also engage students meaningfully to keep them on track and focused on their long term goals.