Student Development 

Education is the most powerful weapon 

we can use to change the world .

Nelson Mandela

EJC believes in the holistic development of Eunoians.  The student life experience in college stretches beyond the academic domains and looks to hone student talents and interests in a multitude of student development areas. These include Character & Citizenship Education (CCE) programmes, CCAs, House activities, Student-initiated interest groups, Internationalisation experiences & many more.

The following video clip, will provide some insights into the various student development programmes available for Eunoians.

Student Development @ Eunoia Junior College.mp4

For More Information

For more information on Student Development Matters, please click on the following links: 

Student Development@EJC

College Culture@EJC

FAQs from Parents

Would there be college organised overseas trips this year?

Eunoia Global Orientation (G.O.) is our college’s flagship programme where JC1 students are brought on overseas trips for cultural immersion and school exchanges to grow their cultural intelligence.  These are typically organised between end May till early June and November till early December. 

There will be 6 Eunoia G.O. trips to China (BSP), Japan (HSP), Thailand (Service Learning), Vietnam (Leadership), Taiwan (Cultural Immersion) and Indonesia (Cultural Immersion) this year. Through these programmes, students will gain a better understanding of the histories, cultures, languages and economies of countries in Asia, and these countries' interconnections with Singapore.]

What support is available for my child in terms of socio-emotional guidance and on careers, scholarships and higher education?

Please refer to THIS SECTION for support from our Senior School Counsellor; as well as THIS SECTION on Career, Scholarship and Higher Education Guidance. 

I have questions regarding CCA.

Please refer to THIS SECTION where we address some questions you have regarding CCAs.