College Terms & Assessment Calendar

To be in your children's memories tomorrow,

you have to be in their lives today.

Barbara Johnson 

College Terms for 2024

Term 1: (JC2) 8 Jan – 8 Mar

 (JC1) 2 Feb – 8 Mar

Term 2: (All) 18 Mar – 24 May

Term 3: (All) 24 Jun – 30 Aug

Term 4: (JC2) 9 Sep – 11 Oct

 (JC1) 9 Sep – 23 Nov

The EJC College Calendar is accessible using student's EJC email.

Assessment Periods for 2024


Term 2: Weighted Assessment 1**

Term 3: Weighted Assessment 2 **

Promotional Exams: 

10 Sept & 12 Sept: Science Promo Practical Exams  

26 Sept - 8 October: Promotional Examination (Written Papers) 


A-Level H1 MTL Listening, Oral and Written: 3 Jul, 10-17 Jul, 28 Oct

A-Level H1 Project Work Project Summary Submission: Mid Oct (TBC) 

A-Level H1 Project Work Oral Presentation: 29 Oct - 7 Nov (TBC)

A-Level H1 Project Work Insights & Reflection Submission: Mid Nov (TBC)

For the following examinations, please refer to GCE A-Level Examination Timetable (SEAB's website)

* Dates to be confirmed


Mid-Year Exams: 21 May, 24 June - 28 June

Preliminary Exams: 19 August - 19 September (Including GP and Science Practical Exams)

A-Levels: Please refer to GCE A-Level Examination Timetable (SEAB's website)

Detailed examination schedules will be provided to Eunoians and posted on Parents Gateway closer to the assessment period.