Eunoia Junior College

School is a building which has four walls with tomorrow inside.

Lon Watters

Our Name

Eunoia (yoo-noh-iea) means beautiful thinking, goodwill to all, and a bridging of the heart and the mind. Eunoia is an English word with Greek origins, and is made up of two parts: ‘eu’ meaning good and ‘noia’ referring to the mind.

In Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle refers to eunoia as the pursuit of the good of all, and the desire for the good of the other person in friendships. Friendships are in their fullest and most enduring form when one gives and cares without seeking benefits for oneself.

‘The perfect form of friendship is that between the good, and those who resemble each other in virtue. For these friends wish each alike the other’s good in respect of their goodness, and they are good in themselves; but it is those who wish the good of their friends for their friends’ sake who are friends in the fullest sense, since they love each other for themselves and not accidentally.’

In the words of Aristotle, we believe that ‘Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.’

Our Crest

The college crest can be understood by three qualities, or simply A-B-C: All-round Development, Beautiful Thinking and Cultural Conversance.

All-round Development

The circular shape of the crest signifies the holistic development of Eunoians. This roundedness is complemented by the geometry of the college wordmark and typeface.

Beautiful Thinking

The design of the crest is inspired by the neural networks of the human brain, and signifies beautiful thinking.

Cultural Conversance

The design represents the college’s name Eunoia, an English word with an Asian theme. Eunoians are able to thrive in diverse cultural settings, while remaining rooted to their own culture.

Our Vision

Our Values

We live with integrity;

truthful to self and to others.

We connect with love;

love transcends borders.

We lead courageously;

courage brings us forward.

We serve selflessly;

our joy is in giving.

Our Mission

Our Student Outcomes