JC1 Academic Journey Overview

Education is what remains after one has forgotten
what one has learned in school.  

Albert Einstein 

The following videos explain several key matters with regard to your child's/ward's JC academic journey. 

2. Calculation of Rank Points and University Admission Scores

3. Timetables, student engagement and code of conduct for students

Timetables & Student Engagement.mp4

Other General Enquiries from Parents

Are there student lockers in school for rental?

Yes. Students have been notified at the beginning of this year on the locker rental process.

How am I updated of my child's academic and non-academic progress over the 2 years?

At the end of each examination, students are given a results slip that require a parent's signature. 

The Parent Teacher Meet (PTM) provides a platform for CTs to converse with parents on the child's progress. At EJC, the PTM takes the form of a Student-Led Conference where your child/ward will lead this conference and reflect on his/her progress. This will:

At any point in time, parents may also contact CTs for an update on your child's progress; and similarly, CTs may contact parents to enlist their support in engaging the child. 

Many of the students at this stage of their lives are not very clear about the career and education pathways they wish to pursue. How will the college support students in these areas?

At the college level, there is a strong Careers, Scholarship and Higher Education (CSH) structure to provide students with the guidance they need to uncover their interests, and apply for scholarships and overseas universities etc. Parents can find out more on the CSH plans in this site HERE.

For students to require further help and resources on Education and Career options, they can initiate a meeting with the college's ECG Counsellor. More details can be found HERE.

Where can my child get support to apply for scholarships or overseas universities?

We have a team of dedicated teachers who oversee and support students who wish to apply for overseas universities. Students have access to the CSH website to seek support from the respective teachers in charge. 

I have questions regarding CCA.

Please refer to THIS SECTION where we address some questions you have regarding CCAs.