Video Conferencing Guidelines

Video-Conferencing (VC) platforms such as Google Meet are valuable tools that allow for synchronous communication, teaching and learning in an online environment, enabling teachers to better look after the pastoral and learning needs of students who are physically away from the college. Both teachers and students have a role to play in ensuring that such online learning spaces are safe for all participants, and serve the intended communication, teaching and learning needs of the Eunoia community. Our college will be using Google Meet and Zoom as the primary VC platform, though other VC platforms may also be used where appropriate. Students who are using these VC platforms should adopt the VC guidelines set out below. These guidelines are written in the language of Google Meet, and students should adapt the guidelines accordingly for other VC platforms.

A. Securing the VC Meeting

  1. Use your EJC Email to identify yourself. Open the Google Chrome browser. Login to Google Meet ( using your EJC Email Account so that you can be identified. Note that you will not be allowed into the meeting if you are using a non-EJC email account. If you are using other VC platforms, use your Full Name to log in. You must never permit someone else to use your EJC Email Account.

  2. Join the meeting using the meeting link from your teacher. Teachers will either send you an invite using their EJC Email Accounts or post a meeting link on a platform which is accessible only by class participants e.g. Google Classroom, SLS, Class WhatsApp group. If your teacher has scheduled the meeting using Google Calendar, the link will also appear in Google Meet once you log in. Click on the link to join the meeting. Do not accept invites or links from unknown/public sources.

  3. Do not share the meeting link with others. Sharing the VC link with non-participants increases the risk of intruders or unintended participants.

  4. Verify that you have joined the correct meeting. This can be done by checking that your teacher is in the room. The teacher can be identified by their EJC Email names as well as their camera feed (the teacher’s camera will be on).

  5. Switch on your camera to allow your teacher to identify you. This is to ensure that the login is really from you and not someone else who has hacked into your account or is using it without your knowledge. Students who have camera issues can use their phones as a camera feed instead.

  6. Log out from your EJC Email Account at the end of the meeting. After you have left the meeting, ensure that you also log out from your EJC Email Account so that no one else can use it without your knowledge. Clear the browser cache as necessary.

B. Preparing for and Personal Conduct during VC Meetings

  1. Ensure that the room is well-lit and conducive for learning. Protect your eyes. Remove any noisy or visual distractions.

  2. Dress appropriately. Do not wear clothes that are revealing or contain inappropriate words. Friyay attire top is recommended.

  3. Mute your mic when you are not speaking. This reduces unintended background noise from disturbing the meeting. Turn on your mic only when you want to ask questions, give comments or present your work.

  4. Adhere to the same standards of behaviour as you would in a physical classroom lesson. Respect others by using appropriate language and not sending inappropriate content to your peers. Prepare the necessary lesson materials beforehand.

C. Video Recording of VC Lessons

  1. The teacher may record the VC lesson. This is to enable the video to be used as a learning and professional development resource subsequently for other students and teachers, particularly for students who miss the online lesson. The video will only be used internally. Note that only the presentation screen and the camera feed of the speaker(s) will be recorded in Google Meet. If you have any privacy concerns with regard to such recordings, let your teacher know before the start of the lesson.

  2. Students should not record the VC lesson on their own. Video recording will not be enabled on Google Meet on the student interface. Students should also not be recording videos of the VC lesson on their own using other methods as this can infringe on the privacies of other students. If there is a need for a recording of the video for learning purposes, inform your teacher accordingly.

D. Intrusions to VC Meetings

  1. Do not intrude into VC meetings you have not been invited to. The college takes a serious view towards any intrusion into VC meetings which you have not been invited to. Any intrusion will warrant disciplinary measures. If you would like to attend a VC meeting which you have not been invited to, seek permission from the relevant teacher first. Meeting links should only be obtained from teachers and not from peers.

  2. Inform the teacher of any intrusions or suspected intrusions immediately. The teacher will manage the situation accordingly, including expelling the intruder and/or ending the meeting, with the necessary follow-up actions.

By following these guidelines, we can ensure that both our teachers and students can have a safe and fruitful teaching and learning experience using these VC platforms.

Source: Eunoia Junior College Student Handbook (2021)