AP World History #01130

AP World History Course #01130 This course traces the development of world history from the emergence of cities to the present, focusing on the period after 1000 A.D. and emphasizing the analytical and writing skills necessary for success in a college level history course. To this end, the course devotes considerable time to the critical evaluation of primary and secondary sources, analysis of change and continuity over time, and the historical process and contacts between people in different society. In assigned reading and class discussions, there will be an emphasis on critical thinking. Attention will be given to the skills necessary to take the AP World History exam in the spring. Adopted curricular materials: Worlds Together Worlds Apart, From the Beginnings of Humankind to the Present, AP Edition, W. W. Norton & Company.

Grade Level: 10-12

Graduation Requirement: World History

UC/CSU: History/Social Science (a)

Credits: 10.0