About Us
Our Chapter
Elk Grove FFA was founded in 1929 with twelve members. In its early years, Elk Grove FFA had a reputation of producing outstanding young farmers who returned to the family farm. In the last thirty years, the program’s emphasis has been on developing students’ leadership skills, community service involvement, personal growth and career success in whatever occupation they choose to pursue. Within the previous 5 years, over 90% of Ag Department graduates have continued onto college.
Within the previous thirty years, Elk Grove FFA has consistently been one of the top 5 chapters in the state of California! This is measured by the academic success of students as well as awards won by students and teachers in the department.
• Total State FFA Degree recipients - 1186
• State Proficiency Awards - 46
• American Farmer Degree recipients - 133
• State Championship CDE Teams- 75
• State Championship LDE Teams-5
• National Championship Teams- 3
Elk Grove FFA is multifaceted with its offerings of the Sustainable Agricultural Green Academy, multiple Agriculture and Career Technical Courses and Pathways, and FFA Three Ring Opportunities.
Watch to see a sneak peak into each of the agriculture pathways and classes offered at Elk Grove High School!
Our Membership
Elk Grove FFA is currently home to 543 active FFA members participating in a range of different agriculture pathways, SAE projects, and competition teams!

On the Road Together!
In the 2024-2025 school year, the Elk Grove FFA theme is ON THE ROAD TOGETHER! This invites students to journey alongside one another as we travel through the classes, meetings, competitions, and conferences that shape us into the dynamic FFA members of EGFFA!
Current Happenings
Sacramento County Farm Bureau FFA Corner- Read about us!
Click below for a link to the Sacramento County Farm Bureau website. Here our reporter publishes articles about current happenings in the Elk Grove FFA.
Also see our Chapter Activities page to get the latest updates of our past and present business!
National FFA Western Region Vice President
Abigale Jacobsen
Abigale Jacobsen, an alumni of Elk Grove FFA, was elected as the National FFA western region vice president.
Throughout their year of service to the National FFA Organization, the officers will interact with business and industry leaders; thousands of FFA members and teachers; corporate partners; government and education officials; state FFA leaders; the general public; and more. The team will lead personal growth and leadership training conferences for FFA members throughout the country and help set policies to guide the future of FFA and the next generation of leaders. We are so proud of Abby!
Our Latest 3-Ring Involvement!
2024 3rd Grade Ag Field Day
Over 1,000 3rd grade students attended to learn about agriculture and food around them!
MFE/ALA Attendance
EGFFA took 23 members to the MFE and ALA conferences where they gathered key skills to bring back to the chapter!
January FFA Meeting
Our January FFA meeting discussed business mixed with some ping pong!
Members of the Month were Vanessa Bender, Victoria French, and Bella Platt!
New Ag Building on the Way
We are so thankful to see the progress being done on our new agriculture pathway building! Stay tuned for its completion around summer!
HERD Pride Pillars
We show honor in our community by volunteering through community service events like serving at local fundraiser dinners and helping clean up our community garden! We continue to represent our chapter and community with the utmost honor!
Our students demonstrate effort in the classroom and in the CDE/LDE competition teams they take part in! Many students within our chapter complete an agriculture pathway or are involved in the SAGE Academy! This challenges students academically in topics related to agriculture. Students also compete at multiple competitions throughout the year related to career skills and/or public speaking.
We respect those who have led the way within our chapter and aspire to always show respect to others in and outside of the jacket! We are so proud of our school, community, support systems, and alumni for always supporting student success and getting involved within our chapter.
EG FFA is determined to provide quality, hands-on education to students through each course offering and project, such as through our agriscience fair! This year, we had over 170 agriscience projects completed by students across all grade levels.