What will my day be like? 

Typical Daily Timetable

The children that are successful through panel, will often have a negative view of school so we try to make their first days/weeks fun and less demanding as it would be in a school setting. We try to keep our activities short and reward based and use a Token economy system and Class Dojo rewards to encourage children to take part. 

In all of our activities we focus on the '6 core strengths' and the Zones of Regulation' to help a child begin to understand their emotions. As time goes by we will introduce more formal learning lessons, but try to deliver them along with a child's interests. 

9.30 – 9.45 am ….Early Morning work Handwriting


9.45 – 9.55am….Register


9.55 – 10.15am….Snack and News


10.15 – 10.30am….Morning Break


10.30-11.10am….Activity 1 English/Maths


11.10 -11.20am….Brain Break / Choosing


11.20 – 11.50pm…..Activity 2 English/Maths


11.50 -12.35pm….. Lunchtime


12.35 – 12.50pm……Mindfulness


12.50 – 1.15pm….Reading/group reading


1.15 – 2:00pm…..Activity 3


2.00 – 2.15pm…..Afternoon Breaktime


2.15 – 2.45pm…..Zones of Regulation


2.45 – 3pm…..Story then Hometime

Our school day will begin at 9.30am and finish at 3pm from Monday to Thursday.

We like to keep a close contact with a child's usual school so they will spend a normal school day back in their school on Fridays. Children are also encouraged to return to their feeder school, for any school trips or special activities that are scheduled.