
Welcome to the Rainbow Room

We have a light, bright learning area at the front of the main school building. 

From our kitchen area we can see our own area where we play and learn if the weather is good!

The Rainbow Room is in Lambourne Primary school and is part of the old school house that was converted in 2017. We are very lucky to have a contained space, complete with our own kitchen and outside area that we use for play and learning. 

During a child's time with us, we will use the Zones of regulation and 6 Core strengths to develop understanding of their emotions and feelings. Your stay with us is usually a two term stay and you will have completed a gradual transition back into your school usual setting with our support. 

In the afternoons we love to do some cooking. We investigate new textures and tastes and explore new foods. 

Our kitchen area is used for art too. We like to use our colour mixing skills to paint and make wonderful creations!

We try to follow more of a creative theme in the afternoons where we enjoy science, music, computing etc.

P.E in our sports hall.

P.E in our sports hall.

Music - we are able to use a variety of instruments and follow the school scheme of work.

In the mornings we join together in our kitchen. Here we develop good manners, politeness and independence. We also get a chance to 'check in' with our zones and talk about how we feel. There is always an opportunity to share any news!