Rainbow Room 

The Rainbow Room is located in a self contained part of Lambourne Primary School, that used to be part of the old school house in the village of Abridge. We opened in 2018 providing a specialist provision to help support children in ks1 who struggle to regulate themselves in their regular class environment. 

We can offer a calm and relaxing classroom with access to our own play area as well as being able to use to the rest of Lambourne's school facilities, including our swimming pool! (weather permitting). We follow a specialist curriculum using the 6 Core Strengths and The Zones of Regulation to help children to develop skills in a safe haven for their growth and development.

 We offer a time limited alternative education provision for SEMH children, who are not learning and/or progressing in their current school. The aim is to support pupils to improve their behaviour and engagement by working directly with the referring school, child and family, therefore allowing the reintegration back to their school. 

Lambourne Primary has a caring and inclusive ethos where all staff have undertaken training, in order to become a TP (Trauma Perceptive) school. Staff support children on this journey by valuing wellbeing, fostering a sense of belonging, harnessing potential and celebrating successes. 

Recent parents of children who have attended our Rainbow Room have said....

"The Rainbow Room has helped him to almost completely change. He now recognises the real world and he is able to understand how he can calm himself down"

"He now wants to be in class and is more open to sitting on the carpet, listening and he wants to learn"

"The support to the family was brilliant. Communication via email and afterschool chats were never too much trouble. We always received tips and strategies to help at home".