What will my day be like?

New Starters

Many children who join us have been finding school really stressful. They may not be managing with a full time timetable, so we provide a gradual transition into Acorn class.

Week 1 9:30 - 12pm

Week 2 9:30 - 1pm (stay for lunch)

Week 3 9:30 - 2pm (stay for half the afternoon session)

Week 4 onwards 9:30 - 3pm (stay for a full day)

A typical week in Acorn Class

You will be coming to Acorn class from Monday to Thursday. An adult from your school will come to support you once a week while you are here. Every Friday, you will attend your ‘home school’, to make sure you keep in touch with your friends and teachers. Your school will also invite you to any special events such as class photos and trips.

Our Timetable

9:30 Brain Gym

9:45 Lesson 1

10:10 Snack

10:30 Break time

10:45 Calm activity

11:00 Lesson 2

11:45 Group game

12:00 Lunch time

1:00 Shared story and reading

1:30 Lesson 3

2:15 Reflect on the day

2:30 Independent Learning

3:00 Home time

What will I learn?

In Acorn Class, we focus on helping you to have a better understanding of your emotions, our curriculum is called 'The 6 Core Strengths'. Lots of the work we do is practical and focuses on your interests. Gradually, we start to introduce more traditional learning.