
Where appropriate, both Rainbow Room and Acorn Class can offer three levels of outreach support.

  1. Consultation: a one off, informal, anonymous discussion, used for the purposes of seeking advice. Arrangements can be made directly with the provision heads. No records are kept.

  2. Inreach: staff from the referring school can spend time in one of the provisions for the purposes of shadowing the staff to learn from their practice and experience. Arrangements can be made directly with the provision heads.

  3. Package of support: targeted support which could include consultation, observation/visits, written feedback, advice and review. This level of support can only be accessed via the Request for Support Panel and must be supported by a completed request form, including consent from parents/carers.

Please be aware that Essex's enhanced provisions are funded to provide placements. Outreach of any kind is only possible when there is capacity. If the provisions are full, outreach will not be offered. If capacity is reached whilst outreach support is already in place, the outreach will be considered for cessation to prioratise the support needed for pupils on placement.