School-based Apprenticeships

Australian School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships:

School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships allow senior high school students to complete a traineeship or commence an apprenticeship while at school. While studying for their senior studies, school based trainees/apprentices work part-time and undertake their formal or off-the-job apprenticeship training. The training undertaken as part of an SBAT can count towards your VCE or VCAL.

How to get a SBAT

You will first need an offer from an employer who is prepared to put you on as a school-based apprentice or trainee. These are sometimes advertised through the school careers communication channels, through agencies like Skillinvest or online on sites like SEEK.

Once you have an offer, speak to your Year Level Coordinator or the Careers Team Member in charge of SBATs to work through the process.

Find out more about School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships here: