Woolly worms

Stage 1

From reSolve

Watch the video to see what to do.

(This video was created with Kelly from Keiraville PS.)


Transcript coming soon.

Collect resources

You will need:

  • sticky tape

  • different lengths of string or wool for your woolly worms (you could also use, leaves and sticks from outside, cutlery or books)

  • paper.

  • Select 2 pieces of wool and use direct comparison to measure them against each other and see which is the shortest/longest piece.

  • Measure all of your pieces of wool or string like this and then order them from shortest to longest.

  • You can use the sticky tape to tape down one end of the wool or string and this will help you to measure accurately as all the ends will be aligned.

When you're ready, watch the next video to see what to do next.

Collect resources

You will need:

  • sticky tape

  • different lengths of string or wool for your woolly worms (you could also use, leaves and sticks from outside, cutlery or books)

  • paper.

  • ruler or tape measure

  • markers

  • Use your ruler or tape measure to find the exact length of your shortest and longest woolly worm and record these lengths using centimetres.

  • Measure the length of 2 items that are shorter than your shortest worm and 2 items that are longer than your longest worm and record these lengths in centimetres and anything you find interesting.

  • Measure the length of 2 items that have lengths in between your woolly worms and record these lengths in centimetres.

  • You can use the sticky tape to tape down one end of the item and this will help you to measure accurately as all the ends will be aligned.


  • Find 2 items shorter than your shortest woolly worm, how much shorter are they?

  • Find 2 items longer than your shortest woolly worm, how much longer are they?

  • How much longer is your longest item compared to your shortest item?

  • If you laid all of the objects from end to end that you have found, do you think they would be longer than your right leg, shorter than your right leg or about the same?