
7 feet follow up

Before you begin

Watch the episode of MathXplosion – Most people are seven feet tall on the ABC Education website.

Watch the video


[Trace around your foot]

[Now, you have your footprint!]

[Next, carefully cut your foot out.]

Alright mathematicians, so are you 7 feet tall?

Then can you find some things that are more than your 7 feet tall?

And can you find some things that are less than your 7 feet tall?

Over to you to investigate mathematicians.

Collect resources

You will need:

  • pencils or markers

  • your mathematics workbook.


  • Work out whether you are 7 feet tall.

  • Can you find some things that are more than your 7 feet tall? Write and draw your findings in your workbook.

  • Can you find somethings less than your 7 feet tall? Write and draw your findings in your workbook.