Subitising 6

one less than

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Welcome back young mathematicians! I hope that you have had a really delightful day today. So we're gonna do some subitizing and that means that we're able to tell how many there are in a collection without having to count. And today when we're subitizing instead of just saying the number that we see, so, if I saw this card, instead of just saying two what I'd like you to think about, is one less than the number that you see. So the number before two. So that means in my mind I have to subitize and go, there's two, and one less than two leaves one. Mm-hmm. And we have our cards up here for you, so that when you're playing along at home you can also point to the symbol that represents what the answer is when there's one less than or the number before what you see on these cards.

Are you ready to go? Okay, I think you'll know this one so, what's one less than [shows card]? Can you point to it for me? Did you think one? Mm-hmm, because we have two in total and one less than two is one.

Okay, what about this one? Eyeballs ready! [Shows card] So how many did you see? And then imagine one being taken away, for one less than. Did you think two? Let's check. Mm-hmm, because there's three that we can see here, in a triangle, and if we take one away, that leaves two.

Okay, ready for the next one? Eyeballs ready! What's one less than this number? One? Mm-hmm, because we see two and one less than, or the number before two is one.

Okay, what about this number? Mm-hmm, so the answer was zero. That's right, because we could see one and one less than one, or the number before one, if we take one away is it zero.

Okay, here we go. Eyeballs ready! What's one less than that? Were you thinking three? Yeah. Let's look, there's four here and one less than four is three. The number before four is three.

Okay, ready here you go. What's one less than? Would you like to see it again? I think you're thinking four but let's check. Mm-hmm, one less than five is four. That's right. The number before five is four because we take one away from five and we leave four.

Okay ready, eyeballs ready! What's one less than that many? Two? Let's check. Mm-hmm, we have three, if we take one away, one less than three is 2. The number before 3 is 2.

What about this many? Are you ready? What's one less than that? Zero? Yes, because 1 less than 1 leaves me with none, which is zero.

What about this one? Ready? What's one less than this? Mmm three? Mm-hmm here's 4 , 1 less than 4 is 3. The number before 4 is 3.

Okay, what about this one? Eyeballs ready. What's one less than this many? Would you like to see it again? What's one less than this many? You're right! It's 5. Look, five and one more is 6, one less than 6 is 5. The number before six is five. Mm-hmm, oh color was very helpful there, you're right, because we could see 5 on a dice pattern and one more to see 6.

Okay, let's do this one last one. What's one less than this many? Can you point to it? Yes, it's 4. 1 less than 5 is 4. Look, here's 5, if I get rid of one it leaves me with 4. 1 less than 5 is 4. The number before 5 is 4. Nice subitizing and thinking little mathematicians.

Ok mathematicians, what were some of the mathematics in here? Mm-hmm, so we use our skills in subitizing today to determine important relationships like one less than. We candescribe 1 less than as the number before and it means we take one away from a collection and we can also just imagine it being taken away.