Data toss

Stage 1

Adapted from Number Target by Ann Gervasoni

Watch the video to see how to play.

(This video was created with Wendy from Hermidale PS, Cheryl from Hornsby Heights PS and Rachel from Albury North PS.)


Transcript coming soon.

Collect resources

You will need:

  • small object (block, rubber, peg or a small soft toy)

  • chalk or stick

  • pencil or whiteboard marker

  • paper or mini whiteboard.

How to play

  • Draw a starting line (using chalk or a stick if outside) to show where you need to stand.

  • Take 2 large steps forward then start to draw the target or use the resource sheet if inside.

  • Toss your object 20 times, aiming for the target and record the score each time on a piece of paper or whiteboard.

When you're ready, watch the next video

Collect resources

You will need:

  • your data from your Data toss games

What to do

  • Create a table, with 4 columns and 6 rows. Across the top row include the headings, score, tally, frequency and points.

  • Record your scores as tally marks then write the total of each score in the next column.

  • Have a look at your table, which score did you toss the most? Which score did you toss the least? What else did you notice about your data?

  • Add together the points for each score in the fourth column.

  • Combine all of the points that you scored.

  • Play the game a few times, recording your scores. Think about how you can improve your score each time?


  • How could I improve the total number of points?

  • What is the highest possible score you could get?

  • If you could change the scores in the target to help you get closer to 100, what would you change them to?