
Watch the video to learn how to play


Transcript coming soon.

Collect resources

You will need:

  • playing cards A-10

  • someone to play with.

How to play

  • Shuffle the cards and place the pile face down in the middle of both players.

  • Each player draws 10 cards each.

    • Players organise their 10 cards in a row in front of them face down.

  • Player 1 draws a card from the middle pile.

    • Player 1 places this card in the matching position in their row of 10.

    • Player 1 then picks up the card in its place. For example, if a 4 is drawn, player 1 places the card in the fourth position and picks up the card in that position.

    • Player 1 looks at the card and decides whether it can also be placed in their row.

    • Player 1's turn is over when they can no longer place a card in their row. This card is thrown away as 'garbage'!

  • Player 2 draws a card to begin their turn and follows the same steps as player 1.

  • The first player to complete their entire row of cards is the winner!

Other ways to play

  • Use a picture card that a player can use to represent any number.

  • If a player puts their unwanted card in the garbage and the other player needs it, it can be picked up to use.

  • A king can be played to turn back over another player's card.


  • Can you explain why a numeral in positioned in a certain place using terms such as before, after, more and less?

  • What number/numbers are you hoping to turn over?

  • What numbers don’t you want to turn over?