Student council
Our Student Council members are an active group of S1-6 students who play a vital role in representing their peers in whole school decision making. The group meet on a monthly basis to raise concerns and solutions to improve the experience our students.
The Student Council has representatives from each year group and each one is a member of one of the committees:
Health and Wellbeing
Teaching and Learning
Through the Student Council are pupils have many opportunities to develop leadership and communications skills, while making a positive change to the school community. Some of the most recent improvements include:
Creating a game highlighting the dangers of vaping to children in conjunction with Fast Forward. This game can be used in PSE lessons around the country. This also led to an appearance on BBC 1 News and Reporting Scotland.
Introducing a section in the school newsletter to promote the work of the Student Council.
Highlighting the concerns of anti-social behaviour in the toilets and school buses and ensuring Mr Clark raises the issue in House assemblies.
Re-organising the use of prefects at break and lunch so that popular areas are covered more regularly. This also included having more presence in the canteen to help BGE students.
Providing regular support to new S1 students through a daily drop-in session and visiting home rooms to ensure they know who they're representatives area.
Ensuring that study spaces are available for Senior students on a more regular basis.
Moving forward the Teaching and Learning committee is planning to implement more of the How Good is OUR School toolkit so that the student community has more say in what takes place in the classroom.