Careers information

Choosing courses can often be difficult. Whether considering staying on at school, going to college, university, entering employment, training or taking up a Modern Apprenticeship our Careers Advisers Eoin Walsh and Deirdre Bell are available to discuss ideas, provide guidance and offer impartial advice.

Students should refer to the Skills Development Scotland site, My World of Work.  Following this, students can arrange to see their Careers Adviser by requesting an appointment through their Guidance Teacher. We are based in the seminar room beside Business Education classrooms.  As well as students requesting appointments themselves, they work closely with Guidance Teachers who make referrals to them and they also offer appointments to S4 and S5 pupils prior to them leaving school.

Eoin holds a breaktime drop-in service.  If pupils have a quick question or would like help in finding information, they should come along to the drop-in session.  No appointment needed.

When not in school, Eoin can be contacted at or mobile number 07584 145679 and

Deirdre can be contacted at or mobile number 07881 464643.