May-ker Month 2023

Month Long Competition for all Students in Sturgeon!

The goal of this asynchronous, month-long STEAM Event is to provide Sturgeon teachers and students with an opportunity to learn new skills, develop their abilities, showcase their programs, and generate excitement for the return of the STEAM Games in the 2023-2024 school year. 


Schools can register as many teams of two or three students as they wish, and each team will select one of four challenge options to work on and complete during May-ker Month. Each team’s final product will be judged against others within their respective grade division at each school (ie: K-3 submissions will be judged against all other K-3 submissions within the same school). Judging will take place in June (dates will be determined by each school) and judging teams may include school administrators, Central Office staff, Board Trustees and/or community members, at the discretion of each school Leadership Team. The winning team (for each grade division in each school) will become the "STEAM 2023 Champion" for their division at their school and will be awarded a medal. All student participants will receive a certificate of achievement, which will be emailed to the teachers overseeing the student teams.  (Registration Link)

 Schools that participate will receive a $250 incentive to purchase items that will further promote the development of their STEAM programs. Additionally, schools that post their progress to social media and use #SPSMaykerMonth, throughout the month of May, will earn entries into a draw for 1 of 5 Micro:Bit K8 Robotics Kits (without micro:bit bare board) or 1 of 5 Micro:Bit Climate Action Energy Kits (with micro:bit bare board). Each school can earn one entry ballot per day, to a maximum of five entry ballots throughout the month.

 Link to the 2023 Technical Package containing all the information about May-ker Month.

May-ker Month Rubric.pdf