About the project

Purposes of the Project:

Local Community Innovation through “Environmental Energy Community Development”

It is planned to implement combined heat and power in Shinchi Town in the coming period. Along with this, it is strongly expected that newly established community energy systems and innovations in the community energy field are realized through the establishment and implementation of a mechanism that clarifies how actual energy use would change and provides feedbacks on actual demand conditions to energy supply. In addition, these initiatives are in accordance with the direction of “LNG Market Strategy” currently being promoted by the Government of Japan, and they are positioned as leading initiatives to show a vision for planning and creating towns that are rebuilt after nuclear disasters in Hamadori District for the future.

On the basis of concrete development of local community innovation based on previous initiatives for the reconstruction in Shinchi and social effects to be expected, this project aims at contributing to the promotion of Fukushima Innovation Coast Concept, by utilizing knowledge possessed by the University, setting “Urban Design Center” as a center of relevant field activities for “Higher International Graduate Education”, and continuously conducting education and research activities regarding “Environmental Energy Community Development” through the public-private-education partnership, i.e. Shinchi Town (public), residents and private companies (private), and the university and research institution (education).

Concretely, environmental community development shall be dealt with in an organized coordination with the following 3 themes, and in collaboration with the local community:

Ⅰ. Launch and operation of “Urban Design Center Shinchi”, and assistance to the vicinity of the Station, and assessment of their impacts

Ⅱ.Establishment of energy visions based on energy monitoring data analyses and human resources development for community development

Ⅲ.Assistance to the formation of settlement environments on the basis of social dynamics analyses and needs understanding through project exercises of the Graduate School on “Sustainability Science”

Summary of the Project:

Education and research for “Environmental Energy Community Development” in “UDC Shinchi” as a core center

Ⅰ.“Urban Design Center Shinchi”

Ⅱ. Establishment of Energy Visions Based on Energy Monitoring Data Analyses

Ⅲ. Assistance to the Formation of Settlement Environments

Organization Chart