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Sydney Pearson

Office Hours: Thurs 3-5 pm, Fri 2-5 pm

Strengths in subject: Sydney completed IB Spanish 3 last year (is currently in IB Spanish 4) and can help you with writing and reading, specifically understanding grammatical structures.

Teachers: She has had both Señora Vijarro and Señorita Guzman

About Sydney: Sydney is a full IB junior at EWHS who is a part of ASB, NHS, Writing Center, band, jazz band, and Link Crew. In her free time, she loves to ski, mountain bike, play her instruments, read, and draw.

Maria Janoo

Office hours: Mon 2-4 pm, Wed 9 am-12 pm, Fri 2-4 pm

Strengths in subject: Maria is currently enrolled in IB Spanish 4 with Sra. Vijarro. She can help with grammar concepts, reading comprehension, speaking, and writing.

Teachers: Sra. Vijarro

About Maria: Maria is a full IB junior who is a member of NHS, Key Club, and Girls Who Code. In her free time, she enjoys swimming, coding and watching Dexter! She is a tutor in Spanish, English, and Algebra.