Request Tutoring

If you would like feedback on your writing and can meet between 2 & 4 on Tuesdays or Thursdays, please visit the Writing Center! Fill out the Writing Center form below:

Can't make those hours? No worries! You can request tutoring from English tutors with an expanded set of hours below (scroll down to view the full list of available tutors):

Sharon Gutierrez

Office hours: Mon-Fri 6-8 pm

Strengths in subject: Sharon has completed Honors English and is currently enrolled in IB English 11. She can help you strengthen your writing and analyze texts.

Teachers: Mrs. Tucker, Mr. Avery

About Sharon: Sharon Gutierrez is a partial IB junior who is a member of Key Club and the EWHS Track Team. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, spending time with friends and family, being outside, and watching TV.

Maria Janoo

Office hours: Mon 2-4 pm, Wed 9-12 pm, Fri 2-4 pm

Strengths in subject: Maria is taking IB Lang & Lit with Mrs. Milstead this year and can help with all things related to English, from analyzing texts to revising essays.

Teachers: Mrs. Tucker, Ms. Sparks, and currently Mrs. Milstead

About Maria: Maria is a full IB junior who is a member of NHS, Key Club, and Girls Who Code. In her free time, she enjoys swimming, coding and watching Dexter! She is a tutor in Spanish, English, and Algebra I.

Lalia Baldeh

Office hours: Mon 2-4 pm, Wed 10 am-12 pm, Fri 2-4 pm

Strengths in subject: Lalia has taken honors English and history. She can help edit papers, brainstorm ideas for assignments and give you advice on how to improve your scores.

Teachers: Mrs. Tucker (freshman year), Mr. Avery (sophomore year)

About Lalia: Lalia is a full running start student with one IB class at EWHS. She is a member of Key club, DECA, High-q and Girls Who Code. She is in the swim and tennis teams as well. In her free time, she enjoys watching shows and cooking.