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Sydney Pearson

Office hours: Thurs 3-5 pm & Fri 2-5 pm

Strengths in subject: Sydney is in IB History of the Americas right now and has completed the freshmen and sophomore Honors World Histories. In this subject, she can help with study tactics and writing concise and accurate introductions/theses.

Teachers: Sydney has had Mr. Black and currently has Mr. Hodges.

About Sydney: Sydney is a full IB junior at EWHS who is a part of ASB, NHS, the Writing Center, band, jazz band, and Link Crew. In her free time, she loves to ski, mountain bike, play her instruments, read, and draw.

Lalia Baldeh

Office hours: Mon 2-4 pm, Wed 10 am-12 pm, Fri 2-4 pm

Strengths in subject: Lalia has taken honors English and history. She can help edit papers, brainstorm ideas for assignments and give you advice on how to improve your scores.

Teachers: Mr. Black for both Freshman and Sophomore years.

About Lalia: Lalia is a full running start student with one IB class at EWHS. She is a member of Key club, DECA, High-q and Girls Who Code. She is in the swim and tennis team as well. In her free time, she enjoys watching shows and cooking.

Kathryn Espiritu

Office hours: Mon-Fri 2-4 pm

Strengths in subject: As a history lover, Kathryn is super energetic about anything history and loves learning about it as well as helping others understand it. She can help you with research skills and strategies of how to write better history papers.

Teachers: Mr. Black both 9th and 10th grade.

About Kathryn: Kathryn is a full IB junior. She enjoys adventures with her friends, every genre of music (yes, even country and metal), history, and stuff.