Request Tutoring

If you would like help in Mandarin, please request tutoring from Chinese Club using the Google Form below.

For additional tutoring options, scroll down to book a meeting with one of the Mandarin tutors on this site.

Alex Lo

Office hours: Mon-Fri 3-6 pm

Strengths in subject: Alex is a native Mandarin speaker. He can help you with speaking and writing from Mandarin classes. For Sophomore Chemistry, he is currently taking IB Chemistry, and passed sophomore chemistry last year. He can help with the concepts learned in sophomore chemistry. For Geometry, he is currently taking IB Analysis & Approaches. He can help with any concepts within Geometry.

Teachers: No teachers for mandarin

About Alex: Alex Lo is a full IB junior who wishes to be back in school again. He enjoys reading, jogging, and playing board games with his family.