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Maria Janoo

Office hours: Mon 2-4 pm, Wed 9 am-12 pm, Fri. 2-4 pm

Strengths in subject: Maria is on track to complete IB Math Analysis & Approaches SL this year, and has taken Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and Pre Calculus. In Algebra, she can help with functions, exponents, irrational numbers, and other concepts within the Algebra I course.

Teachers: Mr. Crist, Mr. Holt, and currently Mr. Wahbeh

About Maria: Maria is on track to complete IB Math Analysis & Approaches SL this year, and has taken Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and Pre Calculus. In Algebra, she can help with functions, exponents, irrational numbers, and other concepts within the Algebra I course.

Sharon Gutierrez

Office hours: Mon-Fri 6-8 pm

Strengths in subject: Sharon has completed Algebra 1 and 2. She is currently enrolled in Pre-calc. She can help you understand the basics of algebra all the way up to more advanced concepts.

Teacher: Mr. Crist

About Sharon: Sharon is a partial IB junior who is a member of Key Club and the EWHS Track Team. In her spare time, Sharon enjoys reading, spending time with friends and family, being outside, and watching TV.

Kathryn Espiritu

Office hours: Mon-Fri 2-4 pm

Strengths in subject: Kathryn didn't do so well in algebra 1, but has since improved drastically. She can help you to understand the ultra-complicated concepts that the curriculum throws at you. She can also give you advice on how to study for math.

Teacher: Ms. Waibler

About Kathryn: Kathryn is a full IB junior. She enjoys adventures with her friends, every genre of music (yes, even country and metal), history, and stuff.

Katelyn Ely

Office hours: Tues & Thurs 12:45-1:45 pm

Strengths in subject: Katelyn is currently taking AP calculus and can help you with Algebra 1 and 2 classes.

About Katelyn: Katelyn is a Junior in partial IB and a student-athlete at Edmonds Woodway. She is a member of the National Honors Society, runs Track and Field, and is a member of the Volleyball team. In her spare time, she enjoys being around her friends and family. She also enjoys hiking and traveling.