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Kathryn Espiritu

Office hours: Mon-Fri 2-4 pm

Strength in subject: Kathryn didn't do so well in algebra 1, but has since improved drastically. She can help you to understand the ultra-complicated concepts that the curriculum throws at you. She can also give you advice on how to study for math.

Teachers: Mr. Crist

About Kathryn: Kathryn is a full IB junior. She enjoys adventures with her friends, every genre of music (yes, even country and metal), history, and stuff.

Katelyn Ely

Office hours: Tues & Thurs 12:45-1:45 pm

Strengths in subject: Katelyn is currently taking AP calculus and can help you with Algebra 1 and 2 classes.

About Katelyn: Katelyn is a Junior in partial IB and student-athlete at Edmonds-Woodway. She is a member of the National Honors Society, runs Track and Field, and is a member of the Volleyball team. In her spare time, she enjoys being around her friends and family. She also enjoys hiking and traveling.