Works Cited Page Format: MLA

A Works Cited page consists of sources truly used – and cited -- within your work, whether directly quoted or paraphrased.

1.) The Works Cited page must begin on a new page. NOTE: This page should be part of your actual paper so that the page numbering will automatically continue. (Following these steps will ensure that your Works Cited page will begin at the top of a new page, even if you decide to go back and edit any part of your paper.)

2.) To add a new page to the end of a Word document. Select Insert, then Page Break.

3.) To format the page, select the Center align icon.

4.) Type the following words: Works Cited

a. Use regular title case (capitalize the W and the C only).

b. Do NOT use all caps.

c. Do NOT use bold or italics.

d. Do NOT hyphenate the word.

e. Do NOT use quotation marks.

f. Do NOT underline

5.) Press the ENTER key, then select Left Align.

6.) The first line of each entry of the Works Cited page should be flush to the left margin; any additional lines of the same entry must be indented 0.5 inches, which is a hanging indent. Here’s how to create a hanging indent:

a. After typing out the source entry, place your cursor at the beginning of the second line of the source entry. Then grab the upside-down blue triangle in the ruler at the top of the page (see image below) and slide it to 0.5 inches (the first “big” hash mark halfway between zero and one).

b. All the lines will move half an inch to the right. To move the first line of the entry back flush left, grab the blue rectangle (located above the blue triangle) and slide it back to the original position on the left. You will need to do this for each entry.

7.) Type your entries in alphabetical order. Use the first word of each entry to alphabetize. (NOTE: If the first word of the entry is “a,” “an,” or “the,” use the second word to alphabetize the Works Cited entry.)

8.) You need to alphabetize the entries, but you should never number the entries.

9.) The entire page will be double spaced, but do not insert extra spaces between entries.

10.) Be sure that you are using the proper MLA formatting for each entry.