Visual Materials: MLA Format

You may decide to incorporate visual material within a presentation or a paper. When using visual material ensure that your audience can clearly see it. Avoid blurry, confusing or inappropriate visuals. When incorporating visual material you should follow the guidelines below for the MLA. Never add visual materials just for the sake of adding visuals. As the presenter you are charged with the task of incorporating visuals that enhance your audience’s understanding of your topic. Ask yourself why you are incorporating a table, photograph, or map into the presentation; if it does not enhance your presentation, avoid adding the visual material. If the visual does assist your audience’s understanding, follow the guidelines below.

According to the MLA visual materials are designated as “tables” or “figures.”


When incorporating a “Table” in the presentation or a paper:

1) Label the table as Table; capitalize ONLY the “T” in Table.

2) Assign an Arabic number to the table (i.e., Table 1).

3) On a new line directly below the label, title the table.

a. Type both the label and title directly above the Table.

b. Type the label and title flush left (do NOT center the title).

c. Capitalize them as titles (do NOT use all caps).

4) Immediately below the table give the source information and any notes, if necessary.

a. Begin the source information with the word, Source, followed by a colon. (i.e., Source:).

b. Include the same information as required in the Works Cited entry for the source of the table (book, website, magazine, etc.) ; see Chapter 5 for the format of the Works Cited entry.

5) All information is double-spaced.


When incorporating a “Figure” (a photograph, map, line drawing, graph, musical score, etc.) in the presentation or a paper:

1) Label the figure as Figure; capitalize ONLY the “F” in Figure .

2) Assign an Arabic number to the figure (i.e.- Fig. 1) *NOTE: It is appropriate to abbreviate the word “figure” as “Fig.”

3) Immediately below the figure type the label and a description of the figure.

a. Type the label and description flush left .

b. Include the source information at the end of the description .

c. Include the same information as required in the Works Cited entry for the source of the table (book, website, magazine, etc.) ; see Chapter 5 for format of the Works Cited entry.

4) All information is double-spaced.

Note: If the source of the table or figure is not otherwise referenced in your paper or presentation, then providing the full source information under the table or figure is sufficient, and you do not need to provide the source information again in your Works Cited page.