Social Emotional

Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL)

While SEL and mental health are not the same, SEL promotes positive mental health in many ways. By promoting responsive relationships, emotionally safe environments, and skills development, SEL cultivates important “protective factors” to buffer against mental health risks. In this way, SEL is an indispensable part of student mental health and wellness, helping to improve attitudes about self and others while decreasing emotional distress and risky behaviors. SEL should be implemented as part of a system of mental wellness supports and resources that include promotion, prevention, early intervention, and treatment.

SEL is part of a high-quality education for all students that supports academic performance, school climate, graduation rates, and other important developmental outcomes and life goals. SEL helps students of all ages to do better in school by applying five core competencies:

Healthy Relationships

Not all relationships are healthy, but you deserve on that is. Check out this website to live chat with relationship experts or learn about the following: