Duxbury Public Schools Website

     DPS Staff Instructional Technology Resources:

The district website is powered by Blackboard and includes the Duxbury Public School, Duxbury High School, Duxbury Middle School, Alden  Elementary School, and Chandler Elementary School websites. Clicking Select A School in the upper right-hand corner (green arrow in the picture below)of any of the home pages of the five websites will allow you to move to another one of the five websites. 

The websites are a repository of important information for the Duxbury community, including the Duxbury staff. The Faculty and Staff top tab on each of the websites includes staff technology links and HR resources. Other valuable information includes links to the district’s school calendar, the district’s strategic plan, and information updates. 

Administrators are responsible for their sections of the website to share information with the Duxbury community, and elementary school teachers maintain their web pages to share information with their students’ families. Chandler's and Alden's elementary teachers maintain a class web page on their school’s website. Parents can register on the home page of their children’s schools to sign up to get updates when changes are made to web pages they are interested in getting updated information from.  

Clicking the Sign In button (see the yellow arrow in the photo above) on a website home page will open up a login screen for administrators and elementary teachers to be able to edit their web sections or web pages. 

Login Information

New administrators and elementary teachers will receive an email from  webmaster@duxbury.k12.ma.us with directions to set up their account on the Duxbury Public  Schools’ website. 

Website URL: https://duxburypsma.sites.thrillshare.com/

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