Chemistry & Visual Arts 2

Periodic Table AudioVisual Book

A children's book about metalloids that involved the destruction of power completely by the villain. Followed by the defeat of the superheroes one by one. Then the superheroes got together, defeat the villains, and brought back power all using the power of metalloids. Taught the moral of teamwork and how important power is to people. The metalloids superheroes had matching powers to real life which revolves around semiconductors and the transmission of power. This project included animation, stop motion, video editing and other arts.

Copy of Final chemvas.mp4
Textile Art Experiences

Textile Arts Experiences

In ChemVas, we learned about various textile art techniques such as weaving, knotting, net making and etc. We also researched about textile artists and created art that is similar to their's such as African Wax Print by Shonibare who's works often reflect the flipsides of history. We also learned about the sciences behind the textiles and how atoms bonds with eachother. For example, in paper, cellulose is what allows for the paper to stretch out and lignin is what gives the paper structure integrity.