Day 6 - Torn Paper Landscapes

Torn Paper Landscapes

Terms to Know:

Landscape - a natural scene such as mountains, valleys, trees, rivers, and forest (especially where the main subject is a wide view)

Foreground - the opposite of a background, the space up front in an artistic composition

Middle ground - the space in between the foreground and middle ground

Background - the furthest distance away

Supplies needed: glue, scissors, magazines, newspaper, and/or colorful construction paper. *You can use a variety of papers, whatever you can collect around the house is fine! This is a great way to use old paintings you did for fun and never found a use for.


After reviewing a few examples of landscapes and identifying foreground, middle ground, and background, you will create your own landscape using torn paper. You can draw light pencil outlines before adding paper to guide your work, or you can just tear your paper and get right into it.

When your landscape is finished, you can add drawn or collage details - objects off in the distance should be smaller and in the background, while objects closer to the viewer should be larger and in the foreground.

Torn Paper Landscapes