A great video for students - Rated M.


What is an audience?

An audience is a group of people who are spectating or listening to a performance, media or show. When we are discussing the audience of a particular form of media, we may discuss the intended audience. For example, a film or TV show may have an intended young audience.

Similar to audience, we may refer to the audience of a book, narrative, or text as the 'readership'. When learning to write in different narrative formats (both fiction and non-fiction), students will need to consider the intended audience or reader that will read their final work.

How do you write for different audiences?

When you are teaching your young students how to write for different audiences, there are a number of different factors that they will need to consider.

Different audiences are interested in different things, so writers change how they write to make sure their words are suited to their particular readers. Read on to learn more!