Using AI to support students' writing


Students can open up a generative AI tool, and give the AI tool very specific instructions:

"You are a creative writer who is writing an original story about a space adventure. The main character of the story has to find a way to return to Earth. Write a character description in no more than 100 words."

The following text was generated by AI: 

**Character Description: Luna Stevens - The Unyielding Cosmonaut**

"Meet Luna Stevens, the resolute protagonist of our space epic. With a mane of fiery red hair and piercing sapphire eyes that reflect the distant galaxies, Luna is a beacon of unwavering determination. As a seasoned cosmonaut, her passion for exploration propels her into the unknown. Stranded in the vastness of space, Luna's tenacity shines through. Her strategic mind and unyielding spirit guide her every move as she navigates treacherous celestial terrain. With memories of Earth fueling her resolve, Luna becomes an emblem of resilience, exemplifying the indomitable strength of a woman on a mission to find her way back home."

What now?

Students can enter their own text, and ask the AI to compare their writing to the above AI piece. Discuss not only the differences and similarities of AI writing to their own composition but talk about the responsible use of using AI to generate written pieces. 

As a creative partner, AI can assist educators in generating captivating learning content. From story-writing prompts as in the above example to grammar quizzes and vocabulary challenges. AI-powered tools can generate engaging materials that spark students' imagination and curiosity. By leveraging AI's capabilities, educators can ensure that literacy instruction remains dynamic, interactive, and inspiring.

For those who are concerned about students using AI content and submitting it as their own, there are many AI tools that can be used to identify plagiarism.