Student Voice


Student feedback is an essential element to the life cycle of a course within Donegal ETB. 

We seek feedback for most courses through mid-term and end-of-term evaluations, and the information gathered can be used to address issues arising throughout the course. It also informs future versions of the course as well as new course development. 

In addition, students can raise any concerns or feedback they may have about the course with the course teacher, tutor or instructor, or course coordinator at any time between the formal feedback opportunities.

Student Surveys

In addition to our Annual Student Voice Events and regular Governance & Management Forums, we also conduct periodic student surveys to get timely and relevant feedback on current topics impacting the student body. For example, in 2020 a survey was conducted with faculty, staff, and students to review Donegal ETB’s COVID-19 responses and their impact on Quality Assurance, Teaching, Learning, and Assessment. The report for this survey can be found here

Future surveys will be sent to students by their teachers and will also be listed here on the FET Student Hub.

Student Voice Annual Events

The first Donegal ETB FET Service Student Voice Event was introduced in February 2020 to gather feedback from students across the service. This is now an annual event used to inform the self-evaluation, monitoring and review process. 

If you would like to participate in future forums, please register here:

Student Voice Annual Event Reports

7 male apprentices of Donegal ETB holding a sign saying #gofurtherwithdonegaletb
4 Donegal ETB female students sitting on a couch with name badges

Governance & Management Student Forum

The FET Governance & Management (G&M) Student Forum began in 2022 and now takes place several times a year, allowing students to have input and give feedback on Donegal ETB’s programmes, services, governance, and management.

If you would like to be part of this feedback process, please register to be part of the next Student G&M Forum.

Student G&M Forum Reports

Governance & Management Structure

The G&M Structure of Donegal ETB FET Service comprises four main groups. These groups hold regular meetings, which you can find the dates, agenda, and minutes for through the attached calendar.

The overarching group is the Quality Council.

The other three groups have separate areas of focus but all report in to the Quality Council.