How do we process your data?


When you apply for a course with Donegal ETB, you may enter your details into FETCH or we may ask you to fill out a Learner Detail Form. The information you provide to us is collected and processed through PLSS. The PLSS is a joint project between SOLAS and Education and Training Boards Ireland (“ETBI”). PLSS is a suite of software applications that are designed to provide an integrated approach to the collection and processing of Personal Data of users of PLSS and FET programmes funded through SOLAS (or other parties), and the outputs, outcomes and performance of such programmes.

Since we are part of an outcomes-based funding model with SOLAS, please note Donegal ETB will contact students at 3 weeks and possibly 5 months after course completion to ascertain outcomes of your course, and your cooperation with gathering this data to assure future funding is much appreciated.

Student Data FAQs

What is the purpose of the data being collected?

The data collected has two purposes:

Does the same data have to be collected for all learners on all courses?

Yes, all FET learners engaged on an ETB SOLAS funded course are requested to complete the same data fields. This enables the ETB to report and reflect accurately their provision and support their legal obligations in relation to auditing and funding requirements.

Why do we need this information?

It is necessary to process personal data about an individual’s application to and attendance on a SOLAS funded FET programme. SOLAS (Irish: An tSeirbhís Oideachais Leanúnaigh agus Scileanna) - 'Further Education and Skills Service') is the State agency tasked with building a world class Further Education and Training (FET) sector to fuel Ireland’s future. 

The applicant’s data may be processed for the following purposes:

Who has access to the data in PLSS?

SOLAS will be the only agency that will have access to the full data set (including sensitive data requested in section 5 of the Learner Details Form).

Each ETB and ETB centre will only have access to the data that it populates with PLSS (sections 1-4 from the Learner Details Form and not sensitive data in section 5 relating to ethnic and cultural background, etc.) as per its functions and responsibilities under its respective founding legislative acts.

Who will have access to individual learner files?

The ETB person(s) responsible for the management of the course and learners whilst participating on the course will have access to individual learner files.

Other than SOLAS, who are the parties to the data?

The other PLSS Participants have legislative mandates to fulfil in relation to FET provision in Ireland. Currently the parties include: The Education and Training Boards, Department of Education and Skills, Department of Social Protection, QQI and the Higher Education Authority.

When would my information be shared?

To support efficient processing of the application, an ETB may need to check the accuracy of personal information provided with external data sources, for example:

What data do they see?