Voter Registration

The right to vote is the foundation of American democracy; yet many Americans, especially people of color, confront significant obstacles to exercising this fundamental right. These obstacles include difficulties with voter registration, lack of election information, and barriers to access at polling places. 

Dominican University is committed to promoting and supporting student participation in the electoral process. This page provides students with the information needed to register to vote. We encourage you to review what is provided and to reach out to the Office of the Dean of Students if you have any questions or need further assistance. 

California Resident Voter Registration Application

Please visit California's VOTER REGISTRATION WEBSITE for more information and to complete an online registration application


Use the link below to get information about voter registration in your state

Studying Abroad, Outside the USA, or Needing Absentee Info?
(Click on the link below)

Students interested in becoming election workers at the polls on election day can visit the ELECTION ASSISTANCE COMMISSION website to learn more about what is required.